Bloodstone Facial Massage Roller

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Bloodstone Facial Massage Roller with Rose Gold frame

Traditionally used by the Chinese, facial rollers are a renowned anti-wrinkle tool used to improve the youthful appearance of skin. The coolness of the gemstone closes the pores while the roller massage promotes lymphatic drainage, which can reduce puffiness, and is helpful for sagging skin, wrinkles, open pores, firming and toning. It may also be used on the neck, arms, legs and other parts of the body.

Bloodstone is fantastic for promoting circulation, bringing vital blood flow to areas it comes into contact with. It invigorates the lymphatic system as well, which leads to healing of the inflammations and infections. Bloodstone . heightens intuition and increases creativity.


How to Use:

Step 1: Apply your favorite essential oil or serum.

Step 2: Starting on the chin, work from the center outward and upward on the cheeks. Then at the center, make sweeping rolls under the chin towards the collar bone, working outwards to the sides of the neck.

Step 3: Roll the Crystal Facial Roller starting from the center of your neck, rolling upwards and outwards. Continue this motion on each section of your face.

Eyes: Gently roll the small roller 3 times around the eye socket. Start from the upper inner edge where your nose hits your brow (there is a pressure point that is more sensitive than the rest of the area, this drains the sinuses when stimulated!) and move outwards, roll around the top and under the eye towards the tear duct, rocking it gently as you go. Then place the roller vertically into the inner corner of the eye, using gentle rocking motion.

Forehead: From the center of the forehead, moving either left or right, begin at the hairline, rolling slowly towards the ear. Repeat 3 to 6 times over the same area.

Nose, lips and chin: Using the large roller, work from the nose out to the ear. Continue with upper lip, lower lip and the chin. At the chin follow along the lower jaw line to under the ear lobe. Then repeat with the other side.

For sinus and pressure: Dampen a washcloth and microwave about 10 seconds. Place over your forehead, eyes and cheekbones. Then, starting just above your eyebrows, using the smaller roller, roll from the center of your face as indicated and continue down to just below your cheekbones.

Jawline and neck: Starting on the chin, work from the center outward and upward on the cheeks. Then at the center, make sweeping rolls under the chin towards the collar bone, working outwards to the sides of the neck.
Due to color variances in natural stones and that of different screens, actual color may vary.